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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Unsure & Certain

Do I contradict Myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.
                                                                                                                         -Walt Whitman

I have been wanting to get back into blogging but also wanted it to be helpful for the reader while still blogging about my interest (see the dilemma).  Usually, when I want to know something about something I head toward the blogs as I find these to usually hold the best first-hand experience/knowledge (I never use italics this much but stick with me).

In my quest for all things road tripping, camping/backpacking, wilderness survival-esque, farming, national parking, sustainable living,  being green/cheap/thrifty, *catches breath* art-ing, wood carving, excellent fooding, traveling, missions/charities/non-profit-ing,  etc. etc. (all the things that are all the rage right now - for good reason, I might add),  I have found some parts of the wonderful interwebs to be lacking.

So, this is our attempt to give you helpful (hopefully) information about our adventures in whatever we see as an exciting endeavor for the day. Whether it be hiking the Grand Canyon,  how to make ginger beer, or contemplating what God is doing in our lives - I hope you'll find something useful around our humble blog.

As I try to find direction for this blog, it is very easy for me to relate trying to find direction for my life. Most of the time I just have to work towards something. If I don't know what to do, that's okay. But I don't let that keep me stagnant. As a Christian, God promises to be with us and guide us. He doesn't promise to tell me exactly what to be, how to be it, when to do it, and how to get there (Although, sure - on occasion, it happens). When I am unsure, I find it best to focus on what the Bible is very clear about Christians' doing on a day-to-day basis. It usually involves action, loving, being kind, putting others before ourselves, not being anxious, doing things to the best of our ability, and showing lots and lots of grace in everything.

As I've said, I hope this blog proves helpful to some. I also secretly (not anymore?) hope to document my life on an almost daily/weekly basis. I'm trying to slow down, be intentional, and focus on the now. I know it's cliche (as with a lot of things you'll see here) , but there really is something to it (as with a lot of things you'll see here).

I am forever awkward

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